Course Descriptions

Food and Resource Economics

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences


Gordon, J.R., Chair; Adams, C.; Alvarez, J.; Andrews, C.; Barber, D.; Beilock, R.; Brown, M.; Burkhardt, J.; Carriker, R.R.; Comer, D.; Davis, C.G.; Degner, R.; Dow, J.K.; Drummond, H.E.; Emerson, R.D.; Fairchild, G.F.; Gladwin, C.R.; Haydu, J.; Hewitt, T.; Hildebrand, P.E.; Kepner, K.W.; Kiker, C.F.; Kilmer, R.L.; Lee, D.; Lee, J.Y.; Long, B.; Luzar, E.J.; Moss, C.; Mulkey, W.D.; Muraro, R.; Olexa, M.; Reynolds, J.; Schmitz, A.; Seale, J.; Spreen, T.H.; Taylor, T.; Tefertiller, K.R.; Trotter, G.; van Blokland, P.J.; Van Sickle, J.J.; Ward, R.W.; Weldon, R.; Zimet, D. Ft. Pierce staff: Thornsbury, S.; Wade, M.; Willet, L.; Wirth, F.

AEB 2014 Current Economic Issues, Food and You.
Credits: 3.
This course emphasizes the role of agriculture and economics. The how’s and why’s of their influence on food prices and the world food situation, the environment, natural resources and government policy; and economic issues, including inflation and money.

AEB 3103 Principles of Food and Resource Economics.
Credits: 4.
An introduction to the field of food and resource economics; principles of economics as applied to agriculture; economic problems of the agricultural industry and the individual farmer. (S)

AEB 3111 Linear Programming for Agriculture.
Credits: 3.
A basic understanding of linear programming is presented. Computer applications to agricultural problems such as finding least cost ration formulations, maximum profit farm organizations and minimum cost transportation are stressed. No prior computer experience is required.

AEB 3114L Introduction to Agricultural Computer Applications.
Credits: 1.
An introduction to computer application with specific emphasis on applications used in agricultural businesses. Specific applications to be used will be spreadsheets, data bases, word processing and DOS.

AEB 3133 Principles of Agribusiness Management.
Credits: 3.
Introduction to agribusiness management principles, application of economic principles, budgeting techniques, and principles of strategy in agribusiness from management in the United States, particularly Florida. Emphasis is given to the financial and tax management strategies and the requirements imposed on agribusiness management by local, state and federal government regulatory agencies.

AEB 3142 Rural Property Appraisal.
Credits: 3.
Principles, procedures and valuation process for the appraisal of agricultural and rural properties. Theory and application of sales comparison, income capitalization and replacement cost approaches. Appraisals for market, loans, condemnation and valorem and other purposes.

AEB 3144 Introduction to Agricultural Finance.
Credits: 3.
This course will cover basic financial statements, investment frameworks, and theories of financial intermediation as applied to agricultural firms along with an overview of financial institutions which provide capital to agriculture. This course is intended to serve non-majors and majors not in the agribusiness curriculum.

AEB 3300 Agricultural and Food Marketing.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103 or ECO 2023.
Examination of agricultural and food marketing from both a system and individual firm perspective. Explore problems and issues associated with marketing functions and institutions at the industry level and with objectives and strategies of farms and agribusiness firms which market agricultural commodities and food products.

AEB 3315 Futures Markets and Risk Management in Agriculture.
Credits: 3.
Basic elements and principles of agricultural commodity marketing with emphasis on the futures industry. Includes use of futures markets for speculating and risk management for agriculture and finance. Student participation in a computerized futures trading game required.

AEB 3341 Selling Strategically.
Credits: 3.
This course serves as an introduction to professional selling techniques for all products with special emphasis given to food and agricultural products, technical systems and services.

AEB 3450 Introduction to Natural Resource and Environmental Economics.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103 or ECO 2023. Credit cannot be received for both AEB 3450 and ECP 3302.
The course is designed to introduce students to natural and environmental resource economics. Emphasis is placed on understanding economic concepts such as resource scarcity, market failure, externality, property rights and common property resources, and their application to studies of forest, land, water, energy, and coastal resources.

AEB 3510 Quantitative Methods in Food and Resource Economics.
Credits: 2; Prereq: AEB 3013 or ECO 2023 and MAC 3233 or MAC 3311.
This course is to develop the student’s understanding of finite mathematical tools used in economics and business decision making. Topics include linear equations, matrix algebra and calculus. Lectures and problems will show how these are used to examine economic, financial and managerial problems.

AEB 3550 Agricultural Data Analysis in Food and Resource Economics.
Credits: 2; Prereq: AEB 3112L, STA 3023, AEB 3103.
Introduction to analysis of agricultural data. Incorporates statistical and agricultural economic theory into the analysis of agricultural problems. Knowledge in use of spreadsheets is assumed.

AEB 4123 Agricultural Law.
Credits: 4.
Legal aspects of agricultural rights, responsibilities and problems. Topics include agricultural estate and income taxation, zoning and land use planning, Capper-Volstead Act, international agricultural agreements, agricultural labor and consumer protection.

AEB 4124 Legal Issues for Agriculture and Agri-business.
Credits: 1.
Intensive examination of legal issues in agriculture and agribusiness. Topics will focus on anti-trust, international agreements and environment as related to agriculture and agribusiness, including water, waste disposal, and insecticides and herbicides.

AEB 4126 Agricultural and Natural Resource Ethics.
Credits: 3.
An examination of the political, economic, environmental and ethical value issues involved in agricultural practices and policies, including agricultural research. (H, S) GR-E†

AEB 4141 Agribusiness Financial Management.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3133, AEB 3144, FIN 3408 or MAN 3025.
Integration of finance and management to solve problems faced by agricultural firms and agribusinesses. In addition to the typical lecture format, students will work in small groups to identify and analyze case studies from agricultural and rural businesses. This course is for agribusiness majors.

AEB 4224 U.S. Food and Agricultural Policy.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103 or ECO 2023.
Study of U.S. policies and programs affecting the production, distribution, and consumption of food and fiber products. Attention is devoted to historical and current agricultural programs, to consumer food programs and to related resource and environmental issues. Emphasis is on the development of analytical capabilities which allow students to assess the economic consequences of current and future policy alternatives. (S)

AEB 4242 International Trade Policy in Agriculture.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103 or ECO 2023.
Explores role of international trade policy in agriculture. Examines effects of various trade policies on domestic and international prices, consumption, production, trade and government revenues. Addresses impact of current trade issues on agricultural sector.

AEB 4274 Natural Resource and Environmental Policy.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103 or ECO 2023.
A study of the role of government in natural resource and environmental management. Discussion of the role of government. Includes historical perspective on the evolution of natural resource and environmental policies and programs. Surveys current public policies and programs at the state and federal government levels, and identifies institutions which address international and global and environmental issues. Considers the role of economist as policy analyst, providing information on likely consequences of policy options.

AEB 4283 International Development Policy.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103 or ECO 2023.
A study of how factors such as poverty, population, technology, resources, trade and the environment affect man’s effort to develop. The roles of the public and private sectors are discussed as well as the process of policy formulation and implementation. Emphasis is placed upon the agricultural sector and its role in process of economic development, especially in countries where problems of hunger, demographic pressure and poverty are pervasive.

AEB 4284 Human Resource Policy.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103 or ECO 2023.
Examination of the context, rationale and content of U.S. policies designed to enhance the basic quality of human capability in non-metro U.S.

AEB 4309 Food Wholesaling and Retail Marketing.
Credits: 3.
Students are introduced to food industry trends, issues and opportunities that exist both in the U.S. and the world. Guest lecturers combined with recent trade publications will provide students with a command of wholesaling and retail food management.

AEB 4314 Terminal Markets and Commodity Exchanges.
Credits: 1; Prereq: Consent of instructor.
Terminal market organization and facilities for agricultural products, including commodity exchanges. Visitation and inspection of firms and facilities in large terminal markets in the East or Midwest will entail a field trip. A fee is required. An additional sum may be required at time of the trip. Participation is contingent upon notifying the instructor of intent no later than the beginning of spring semester.

AEB 4325 Contemporary Issues in Agribusiness Management.
Credits: 3; Coreq: Either AEB 4342 or AEB 4141.
A capstone course utilizing economic concepts to address the interaction between the political process that legislates domestic agricultural, environmental and international trade policy, micro and macro economic principles, private business decisions taken by firms in response to public policies, and ethical considerations in developing and implementing public policy.

AEB 4334 Agricultural Price Analysis and Consumer Behavior.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3103, AEB 3550.
Quantitative measurement of factors affecting agricultural and resource prices; seasonal and cyclical fluctuations; index measures of price and quantity variables; theory and application of consumer behavior principles.

AEB 4342 Agribusiness and Food Marketing Management.
Credits: 3; Prereq: MAR 3023 or AEB 3300, MAN 3025, AEB 3133.
Application of marketing and management principles to agribusiness and food marketing problems faced by managers. Emphasis on case problems, group projects, oral presentations and written assignments. This course is intended for majors in the agribusiness specialization of Food and Resource Economics.

AEB 4343 International Agribusiness Marketing.
Credits: 4; Prereq: AEB 3300 or MAR 3023.
Problems, issues, regulations, policies, and procedures unique to the global agribusiness marketing of perishable and storable agricultural commodities and food products. Combines firm-level agribusiness marketing concepts with international agribusiness marketing and export management applications.

AEB 4380 Agricultural Marketing Strategies.
Credits: 3; Prereq: Instructor’s permission.
This course familiarizes the student with the decision making activities necessary to launch a new agricultural product successfully. The marketing plan development for this course will be done under the guidelines of the National Agri-Marketing Association Marketing Competition.

AEB 4424 Human Resources Management in Agribusiness.
Credits: 3.
Issues involved in the strategic and effective management of human resources in agribusiness. Human resource management concepts and techniques designed to improve agribusiness organizational teamwork, productivity, performance and enterprise success. It will also deal with some of the unique aspects of labor management. Application through use of case problems, triad and video techniques.

AEB 4452 Advanced Natural Resource & Environmental Economics.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3450 or ECP 3302.
In-depth analysis and evaluation of economic analysis applied to problems of nonrenewable and renewable resource use and environmental systems management. Examples focus on land and water resources, mineral and energy stocks, fisheries and forestry. It is recommended that students should have completed an introductory course, preferably with an emphasis on microeconomics and AEB 3450.

AEB 4454 Contemporary Issues in Natural Resource and Environmental Economics.
Credits: 3; Prereq: AEB 3450, AEB 3103, AEB 3510, AEB 3550; AEB 42xx. Coreq: AEB 4452.
This is a capstone course designed for students specializing in natural resource and environmental economics. The course content focuses on in-depth examination of specific natural and environmental resource issues in international, national and state settings. Students will be required an applied research project focusing on a contemporary resource issue of their choice.

AEB 4905 Special Problems in Food and Resource Economics.
Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Consent of instructor. May be repeated with change of content up to maximum of 6 credits.
Individual study in selected problem areas. Aspects of problems of interest to the student and agreeable to the instructor.

AEB 4909 Honors Project.
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: Consent of instructor. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits. Must have 3.5 GPA or greater.
An individual special project course restricted to students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences’ Honors Program. Students will complete a project on selected, topic, issue, or problem. Projects may relate to research, teaching, or extension. The project will be reviewed by at least two faculty members chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to 6 credits.

AEB 4931 Special Topics in Food and Resource Economics.
Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Consent of instructor. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 6 credits.
Lectures, conferences or laboratory covering specially selected topics in food and resource economics.

AEB 4941 Full-Time Practical Work Experience in Food and Resource Economics.
Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Prior arrangement with adviser, approval of undergraduate coordinator and dean.
Practical work must be a new experience and related to the field of study. ++

AEB 4951 Survey of Agricultural Economics.
Credits: 1; Prereq: Consent of instructor.
The purpose of this course is to train students to "think on their feet" with respect to the wide array of topics in the agricultural economics discipline. Individual courses tend to be quite focused on a particular set of skills. Thus, this course will enhance student ability to simultaneously access the skills that they acquired in past courses.

ALS 4085 Agricultural Risk Management and the Law.
Credits: 2.
To develop an understanding of the basic concepts of common and statutory law. To identify and address current legal issues of importance at the personal and professional level. To develop an understanding of risk and the solutions for managing risk. To interrelate the concepts of risk management and law in limiting exposure to legal liability.

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