Course Descriptions

Food Science and Human Nutrition

College of Agricultural and Life Sciences


Sims, C.A., Interim Chair; Archer, D.L.; Bailey, L.B.; Balaban, M.O.; Bates, R.P.; Borum, P.R.; Braddock, R.J.; Brown, R.D., Jr.; Cousins, R.J.; Gregory, J.F.; Kauwell, G.P.A.; Kendall, A.C.; Kristinsson, H.; Langkamp-Henken, B.J.; Marshall, M.R.; McMahon, P.S.; McMahon, R.J.; Parish, M.E.; Percival, S.S.; Rodrick, G.E.; Rouseff, R.L.; Schmidt, R.H.; Schneider, K.R.; Shireman, R.B.; Sitren, H.S.; Talcott, S.T.; Thompson, N.P.; Turner, R.E.; Wright, A.C.

The following faculty from other departments and units instruct in the Food Science program: Teixeira, A.A.; West, R.I.

BCH 3025 Fundamentals of Biochemistry.
Credits: 4; Prereq: grade of C or better in CHM 2200, CHM 2200L or preferably CHM 2210, CHM 2211, CHM 3211L.
An introduction to biochemistry with emphasis on intermediary metabolism.

DIE 3310 Community Nutrition.
Credits: 2; Prereq: HUN 2201.
The role of nutrition in promoting, maintaining, and improving health in the community. Investigation of traditional aspects of the emerging health delivery systems, as well as entrepreneurial ventures in wellness. Students will study the financial, legislative, political, sociological, and scientific aspects of public and community health.

DIE 4125 Food Systems Management.
Credits: 3; Prereq: FOS 3042 and MAN 3025.
Management of food service systems including purchasing, receiving, regulation of inventory, factors affecting nutrients in food and applied laboratory.

DIE 4245C Medical Nutrition Therapy Applications � Part I.
Credits: 2; Prereq: HUN 2201; PET 2320C or ZOO 3713C; Coreq: BCH 3025 or BCH 4204; HUN 4445 .
Part 1 of 2 semester sequence that focuses on attainment of knowledge and skills needed to develop and implement effective nutrition intervention strategies.

DIE 4246L Medical Nutrition Therapy Applications � Part II.
Credits: 2; Prereq: HUN 4445; PET 2350C or PCB 4723C; DIE 4245L; Coreq: HUN 4446.
An integrated approach to developing skills to provide effective nutrition intervention strategies (part II). DIE students only.

DIE 4505 Dietetics Seminar.
Credits: 1; Prereq: 4AG-DIE major.
This capstone course for dietetic majors will focus on professional issues, including ethics, legislative issues, advocating and marketing the profession.

DIE 4905 Problems in Dietetics.
Credits: 1 to 5; May be repeated up to a maximum of 5 credits.
Individual research work in various phases of dietetics.

DIE 4909 Honors Project.
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: Must be admitted to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences� Honors Program. 3.5 GPA or greater.
An special project course restricted to students in the college�s Honors Program. Students complete a project on a selected topic, issue, or problem in research, teaching or extension. The project will be reviewed by at least two faculty members chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to six credits.

DIE 4934 Topics in Dietetics.
Credits: 1 to 3. May be repeated with change in content up to a maximum of 7 credits.
Lectures, conference, laboratory or clinical experience covering specially selected topics in dietetics.

FOS 2001 Man�s Food.
Credits: 2 to 3.
For science and nonscience students. Discussion of current nutrition and food science topics concerning nutritional quality and safety of foods as they relate to one�s health. (B)

FOS 3042 Introductory Food Science.
Credits: 3.
Commodities selected for human consumption and the methods used by food technologists to prolong shelf life, retard spoilage and ensure quality. Principles upon which the various processing methodologies are based. (B)

FOS 4204 Food Safety and Sanitation.
Credits: 2; Prereq: MCB 2000L, MCB 2000 or equivalent.
Lectures, discussions, demonstrations and field trips concerning microbial, chemical and biological safety of food, principles of sanitation for the food processing, food service and retail food industries.

FOS 4222 Food Microbiology.
Credits: 3 to 4; Prereq: MCB 2000 or MCB 2010 or MCB 2013 or MCB 3020 or MCB 3023.
Sources and types of biological contamination and its control during harvesting, processing and storage of foods; food fermentation; biotechnology sanitation; HACCP methods used to examine foods for microbial content.

FOS 4222L Food Microbiology Laboratory.
Credits: 2; Prereq: MCB 2000L or MCB 3020L; concurrent or previous registration in FOS 4222.
Methods to enumerate microorganisms in foods.

FOS 4310L Experimental Foods Laboratory.
Credits: 1; Prereq: FOS 4311.
Demonstrations and illustrations of the chemical and physical properties of foods. Shows the effects of processing, ingredients and storage on food quality and nutrient retention.

FOS 4311 Food Chemistry.
Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 2200 or CHM 2210, CHM 2211 sequence; Coreq: FOS 4311L or FOS 4310L.
Relationship of composition to the properties of foods and the changes which occur during processing, storage and utilization.

FOS 4311L Food Chemistry Laboratory.
Credits: 1; Prereq: CHM 2200L or CHM 2211L; Coreq: FOS 4311.
Laboratory covering the relationship of composition to the properties of foods and the changes which occur during processing, storage and utilization.

FOS 4321C Food Analysis.
Credits: 4; Prereq: CHM 2200, CHM 2200L or CHM 2210, CHM 2211, CHM 2211L.
Principles and practice of physical and chemical methods for analyzing foods. (P)

FOS 4427C Principles of Food Processing.
Credits: 4; Prereq; FOS 4311 or FOS 4222 or AOM 4062.
Principles of processing foods: cooling, freezing, heating, dehydrating, concentrating, irradiating, fermenting and use of chemicals.

FOS 4435C Food Product Development.
Credits: 3; Prereq: FOS 4311 or FOS 4222 or FOS 3042.
Capstone course integrating food science and related disciplines to value-added food products using traditional and novel commodity, ingredient and process combinations. Class projects emphasize technology, safety, health/nutrition, legal, quality and economic/ marketing considerations.

FOS 4522C Seafood Technology.
Credits: 3; Prereq: CHM 2041.
Processing principles and methods of preparation of various seafood products and control of product quality.

FOS 4722C Quality Control in Food Systems.
Credits: 3; Prereq: STA 2023.
Measurement and control of the major quality parameters of foods, including sensory, color and texture.

FOS 4731 Government Regulations and the Food Industry.
Credits: 2.
Government laws regulating food wholesomeness; food handling, processing and distribution under sanitary conditions; food ingredients and labeling of food products.

FOS 4905 Special Problems in Food Science.
Credits: 1 to 5; May be repeated up to a maximum of 5 credits.
Individual research work in various phases of food science.

FOS 4909 Honors Project.
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: Must be admitted to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences� Honors Program. 3.5 GPA or greater.
An individual special project course restricted to students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences� Honors Program. Students will complete a project on a selected topic, issue, or problem. Projects may relate to research, teaching, or extension. The project will be reviewed by at least two faculty members chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to six credits.

FOS 4936 Topics in Food Science.
Credits: 1 to 3; May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 7 credits.
Lectures, conferences or laboratory covering specially selected topics in food science.

FOS 4941 Full-Time Practical Work Experience in Food Science.
Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Prior arrangement with adviser, approval of department chairperson; major in FSHN.
One term employment in industry including extra work according to a pre-approved outline. Practical work under industrial supervision as set forth in College of Agricultural and Life Sciences regulations.

HUN 2201 Fundamentals of Human Nutrition.
Credits: 3; Prereq or Coreq: BSC 2005 or BSC 2010 or CHM 1020 or CHM 2040.
The properties, functions, requirements, interrelationships and metabolism of nutrients. (B)

HUN 3221 Nutrition and Metabolism.
Credits: 3; Prereq: BCH 3025 or BCH 4024; PET 2350C or PCB 4723C.
Metabolic relationships of nutrients with emphasis upon their functions in biochemical and physiological processes as well as variations in requirements in response to stress. Meets requirements of the American Dietetic Association.

HUN 3403 Nutrition through the Life Cycle.
Credits: 2; Prereq: HUN 2201.
Nutritional needs throughout stages of the life cycle including pregnancy and lactation, infancy, adolescence and aging, socioeconomic, cultural and psychological influences of food and nutrition behavior.

HUN 4445 Nutrition and Disease � Part I.
Credits: 2; Prereq: HUN 2201; Coreq: BCH 3025 or BCH 4024; PET 2320C or ZOO 3713C; DIE 4245L.
Part one of a two-semester sequence that focuses on the biochemical and pathophysiological bases of disease/conditions that require specialized nutrition support/medical nutrition therapy.

HUN 4446 Nutrition and Disease � Part II.
Credits: 2; Prereq: DIE 4245L (DIE students only); HUN 4445; Coreq: PET 2350C or PCB 4723C; DIE 4246L.
Part two of a two-semester sequence that focuses on the biochemical and pathophysiological bases of disease/conditions that require specialized nutrition support/medical nutrition therapy.

HUN 4905 Special Problems in Human Nutrition.
Credits: 1 to 5; May be repeated up to a maximum of 5 credits.
Individual research work in various phases of nutrition.

HUN 4909 Honors Project.
Credits: 1 to 6; Prereq: Must be admitted to the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences� Honors Program. 3.5 GPA or greater.
An individual special project course restricted to students in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences� Honors Program. Students will complete a project on a selected topic, issue, or problem. Projects may relate to research, teaching, or extension. The project will be reviewed by at least two faculty members chosen by the honors coordinator. May be repeated for up to six credits.

HUN 4936 Topics in Human Nutrition.
Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Consent of instructor. May be repeated with change of content up to a maximum of 7 credits.
Lectures or laboratory covering selected topics in human nutrition.

HUN 4941 Full Time Practical Work Experience in Human Nutrition.
Credits: 1 to 3; Prereq: Prior arrangement with adviser, approval of department chair; major in FSHN.
One term employment in industry or the health field according to a pre-approved outline. Practical work under supervision as set forth in College of Agricultural and Life Sciences regulations.

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